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Duke3D: Restore the CON commands 'getmusicpos' and 'setmusicpos'

These commands were originally introduced in a813e970, and later turned into no-ops in f291c125. The reasons for this are unclear, as the commands are perfectly functional in their current state. I also do not see the potential danger of using these commands, which both commits seem to indicate.

Commit f291c125 claims there are no legitimate use cases. However, both commit a813e970 and a recent discussion on Discord proposed two use cases:

  • Switching between tracks like radio stations.
  • Restoring music position on loading saves, to allow music to be timed to actions in the map.

Moreover, I can think of another use-case:

  • Loop sections of the music track to only play in certain parts of a level (like in Descent 3).

This MR would hence restore the functionality of these commands, and make them useable once again.

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