Feature Request: Greater sound and music control in CON
Recently, mods such as the AMC TC, Alien Armageddon and even WGR2020 have begun including voice acting on non-playable characters during gameplay. An example for this is the last mission in Alien Armageddon, where the main villain taunts you as you make your escape.
A common problem encountered with this however is that there is a lack of options for volume mixing through CON scripts. Specifically, when a character is talking, one would want to lower the volume of surrounding ambient noise and battle sounds, such that the character can be understood better. At the same time, while no one is talking, sounds and music should be at normal volume rather than being muffled.
This isn't really possible at the moment without suboptimal workarounds. Therefore, additional commands to be able to alter the volume of sounds and music would be greatly appreciated.